Employment of Women and Juveniles

Employment of Women and Juveniles

Q: What are the regulations concerning the employment of juveniles in Bahrain?

The employment of juveniles in Bahrain is strictly regulated to protect their health, safety, and moral development. Juveniles, defined as individuals aged 15 to 18, cannot be employed in hazardous jobs, night shifts, or during weekly rest days and public holidays. Employers must obtain parental or guardian consent and ensure medical fitness before employing juveniles. Additionally, specific working conditions and hours are mandated to safeguard juvenile workers.

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Q: What is the minimum age for employment under this law in Bahrain? 

The minimum age for employment in Bahrain is 15 years. Employing individuals under this age is prohibited to ensure the protection and development of children.

Q: What are the working hours and rest periods for juvenile workers in Bahrain?

Juvenile workers in Bahrain are not allowed to work more than six hours a day and must not remain at the workplace for more than seven consecutive hours. Their work must be interrupted by one or more rest intervals totaling at least one hour to ensure they do not work more than four consecutive hours.

Q: What are the provisions regarding maternity leave for female workers in Bahrain? 

Female workers in Bahrain are entitled to 60 days of maternity leave on full pay, which includes the period before and after childbirth. Additionally, they can take up to 15 days of unpaid leave if needed. After maternity leave, female workers are entitled to two daily breaks for breastfeeding, each of which is not less than one hour, until the child is one year old.

Q: How is the employment of women during the night regulated in Bahrain?

Employment of women during the night in Bahrain is regulated to ensure their safety and well-being. Women are generally not permitted to work between 7 PM and 7 AM, except in certain jobs and industries specified by the Ministry of Labour where night work is necessary, and adequate safety measures are in place.

Q: What are the protections against dismissal for female workers due to marriage or maternity leave in Bahrain?

 Female workers in Bahrain are protected from dismissal due to marriage or maternity leave. Employers are prohibited from terminating a female worker's contract because of her marriage or during her maternity leave. This protection ensures that women do not face job insecurity during significant life events like marriage and childbirth.

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Q: Are there any specific industries where juvenile employment is prohibited in Bahrain?

Yes, juvenile employment is prohibited in industries and jobs that are considered hazardous or detrimental to their health, safety, or moral development. This includes heavy lifting, exposure to harmful chemicals, and working in environments with excessive noise or vibration. The specific prohibited industries are detailed in resolutions issued by the Ministry of Labour.

Q: How does the law ensure the safety of juvenile workers in Bahrain?

The law in Bahrain ensures the safety of juvenile workers by regulating their working hours, prohibiting night work and hazardous jobs, and mandating regular medical check-ups. Employers must also display relevant regulations prominently and maintain a safe working environment tailored to the needs and vulnerabilities of juvenile workers.

Also Read: What is Medical Leave of Absence? 

Q: How does the labor law in Bahrain support work-life balance for women?

Bahrain's labor law supports work-life balance for women through provisions like maternity leave, breastfeeding breaks, protection from dismissal due to marriage or maternity, and flexible working arrangements for child care. Women can also take unpaid leave to care for their children, enhancing their ability to balance work and family responsibilities.

Q: Are there any specific health and safety regulations for pregnant workers in Bahrain?

Yes, there are specific health and safety regulations for pregnant workers in Bahrain. Employers must ensure that pregnant workers are not assigned tasks that could endanger their health or the health of their unborn child. This includes avoiding exposure to hazardous substances, excessive physical strain, and ensuring that the workplace environment is safe and supportive for pregnant employees.

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