Interview Tips: Ace Your Next Interview with 5 Tips & Examples

Master the art of interview with these expert interview tips and examples.
Reviewed by:
February 19, 2024
0 min read time
Nawal Malik

We recently discussed tips and trends for Resume templates on our platform. If you haven’t checked it out yet, please do it now because these resources are a guarantee that you will get that interview booked and you will come back here to get the answer to the most burning questions of all the time. “What Is It That The Interviewers Really Want to Hear?” To answer this question, we have compiled some interview tips for you.


Let’s try to recreate the scenario a bit. You have entered the room and there are a bunch of panelists who look unfamiliar, intimidating and judgemental. And it's true, because one of the important things that you are being tested on is the ability to stay calm, poised and respond with the best of your abilities in this nervous environment. 

Just in the span of 30 minutes, the hiring managers will judge you on your past personal and professional achievements, your work ethic in previous roles, your future aspirations and goals, your ability to work under pressure, with different teams etc. It is only natural that you get nervous and fumble over in cases like these. The interview room is not the most comfortable place to be in. It is ironic how much we want to be there when we apply for a job but how much we dread it when we are actually there. The energy of the place is nerve-wracking on purpose!

But honestly, if you think about it, the interviewers need you more than you need them. So, instead of worrying about it so much, let’s get you prepared with some interview tips and techniques on how to handle the most common yet stressful questions asked in the interview. 

Interview Tips

1. Should You Prepare For An Interview? 

You should always prepare for the interview. Your preparation should mean that you have read the job description, role and responsibilities thoroughly so that you are able to have a discussion around it and do not appear clueless in front of the panelists. It also doesn’t hurt to go that extra mile and research about the panelists, a quick way to do so is by looking them up on LinkedIn. In fact, this exercise will help you become a little familiar and help calm your nervousness on the day.

💡Tip: Be confident to share your understanding of the job, its requirements, the skills and experience you bring to the table to fulfill it. 

Read more: What is Business Casual Attire? 

2. How Much Should You Know About the Company?

The first step in job preparation is researching the company. You can do it by exploring the company’s website extensively, looking for any news articles published about the company. One great way to get to know the company better is to go to the blog section, if the website has it to make yourself familiar with the company's products and services, business model, mission statement, goals and values. 

For example: Qureos blog section has great insights and resources that help people struggling with their professional lives!

💡Tip: Share some relevant knowledge that you gathered recently about the company. It shows that you have done your homework and it instantly sets you apart from candidates who must just be trying to wing it or testing their luck instead of working for it.

3. Smiling and making Eye Contact - Yes or No?

Smiling and making eye contact during the interview is proof that you are confident about yourself and for the position you have applied for. However, it also helps in giving out the impression that you are approachable, friendly and easy to work with. Although these gestures are really small and subtle, they are an important observation from the hiring manager’s perspective. 

While maintaining eye contact is not as easy in online video interviews as it is during in-person interviews, if you have an online interview, make sure to find a spot where you can place the camera in a way that allows you to fully face the screen. 

💡Tip: The skills needed for a video interview are the same but there are a few things that you can check before giving the interview: check the internet connection, check your audio and video settings, check your background, check the lighting in the place you will give the interview and make sure there is no distraction or loud noise in your surroundings. 

In 2023, career trends will move towards more video interviews. (Source: Forbes)

4. Should You Ask Questions in an Interview?

It’s highly recommended that you should prepare some relevant and thoughtful questions to ask from the interviewer to get a better understanding of the role and to make the decision if the company is a right fit for you or not. Because remember, as much as it is an interview for you to judge them, it is also a chance for you to analyze the company. This will help show the interviewer that you have a genuine interest and curiosity. Don’t miss the golden opportunity by staying silent!

💡Tip: Still confused about what to ask? Here are some questions for inspiration!

i) Make the hiring manager visualize you doing the job : “What will my day to day responsibilities look like in this role?

ii) Follow up from the conversation/Make the hiring manager aware that you were listening: “Can you tell me more about the XYZ project you mentioned earlier?

iii) Demonstrate that you are dedicated to your career/future/growth: “Are there any on-job training opportunities for my professional development?

iv) Learn a little more about the company: “What are the current goals of the company?

v) Ask about the environment: “Can you tell me about the culture in the organization?

5. Listening or Speaking in an interview - What Is More Important?

While no one is denying the significance of speaking skills in an interview. After all, it is almost like an audition with a few judges closely observing your every move. This often leads to people unintentionally speaking too fast in nervousness, mumbling or speaking too softly that it is unclear. For this reason, you should relax and practice mindful speaking. 

But did you know that showcasing your ability to listen is also an incredibly important skill during an interview. It can get you the appreciation you deserve. It goes beyond interviewing. It is a life-long skill that makes your case stronger as a candidate who can work with different teams. Listening carefully can help you give impressive answers. 

💡Tip: Think of the interview as a conversation. Hiring managers are trying to sell the company as much as you are trying to sell yourself for the role. Be patient, listen and think faster to retain the information to make the right decision for yourself!

Tell us which one of the interview tips resonate with you the most? 

After the Interview

After the interview you should always carry out some self-reflection and ask yourself questions. What went well? What went wrong? What could have been done differently and better? This kind of attitude helps you improve yourself, perform efficiently and ace interviews. 

Do you have any interview tips to share with us? Write to us! 

You can also build your portfolio by completing portfolio projects and stand out to recruiters with relevant experience as you showcase the right skills and tools. Here are a few projects for you to check out;

Portfolio Projects at Qureos
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