أفضل 10 بدائل للتوظيف في عام 2024

Recruitee makes the hiring process seamless by providing you with the right tools you need to hire the best people. Since there are numerous other tools, let’s learn about the top 10 alternatives. 

Next-generation recruitment powered by AI
Streamlined hiring process that helps you hire 5x faster
A massive talent pool of 10M+ job-ready candidates

Artificial intelligence has changed the techniques organizations used to adopt for finding and assessing potential candidates. It has been a game-changer with its powerful tools and algorithms that have enabled companies to streamline their hiring procedures, reducing time and costs while improving the quality of their hires. Companies can swiftly scan thousands of resumes, identifying the most qualified candidates based on specific criteria just in seconds now.
By streamlining the recruitment process and reducing bias, these advanced technologies not only save time and resources but also ensure that companies make more informed and equitable hiring decisions, ultimately leading to a more diverse and inclusive workforce.  Recruitee makes the hiring process seamless by providing you with the right tools you need to hire the best people. Since there are numerous other tools, let’s learn about the top 10 alternatives. 

Pros and Cons of Recruitee:

Now, everyone can get involved in the hiring process through Recruitee’s hiring software. It automates each step of the process, from identifying and sourcing to interviewing and hiring. There are multiple communication tools, such as notes, tags, and tasks, through which you can stay connected with your team and make decisions together. You can build your career sites with just a few clicks and can boost your sourcing with social sharing links, sourcing tools, and referrals. It also provides customized reports to help your business become more organized and create a seamless workflow.


  • Apart from the four pre-made dashboards, users can create personalized dashboards to analyze key metrics of their hiring process.
  • You can create customized career pages with your company’s branding elements.
  • The email templates provided are exceptional, making communication a breeze.


  • Recruiters cannot post “remote” jobs or job openings in multiple locations.
  • Navigating through the settings options is confusing.
  • Users find the interview schedular tool difficult to navigate. 

What Are the Best Alternatives To Recruitee? 

1. Qureos 

Iris is an AI recruitment platform that automates the sourcing, shortlisting, and outreach to candidates in just 24 seconds. It helps recruiters and hiring managers discover 100M+ profiles and match them with relevant candidates. 

Iris generates customized job descriptions to attract the right talent. It also takes care of the outreach by sending hyper personalized messages to shortlisted candidates. 

Other Core Features: 

  • Applicant Tracking System (ATS) 
  • Multilingual Capabilities (20+ Languages)
  • Access to 100+ Job Boards
  • Customized Job Descriptions
  • Personalized Outreach and Follow-Ups
  • Adaptability and Smart Learning Capabilities


Schedule a demo with Qureos to receive a personalized pricing package tailored just for you.

2. Greenhouse

Here comes the next contender, GreenHouse. With this structured hiring approach, you can organize each stage of the hiring process effectively in order to consistently and fairly attract top talent. Its main aim is to promote fairness and equality in hiring by creating a more equitable job-seeking (and job-offering) experience for all individuals. You can create a robust candidate pipeline that delivers exactly what you need for each role. You can optimize job listings across 1,000+ large and niche job boards, with recommendations based on historical and industry performance. It also helps you in monitoring candidate relationships over time and enables a great hiring experience. 

It allows you to collaborate with your hiring teams directly with @mentions, shared application reviews, and job and offer approvals to centralize communication. You can also automate surveys to measure candidate experience and it also provides analytics so that you can make informed decisions. 

Other Core Features: 

  • Applicant data management
  • Automated resume parsing
  • Career page configuration


GreenHouse's pricing is not readily available on its website. Interested users should request a demo.

3. Breezy

With its remarkable array of features, Breezy HR emerges as a strong contender, positioning itself prominently on our list of preferred recruitment tools. This platform offers an effortless and efficient means of spreading the word about your job openings. By leveraging Breezy, you can conveniently advertise your vacant positions across more than 50 top job sites with just a single click, ensuring maximum exposure and attracting a diverse pool of potential candidates.

However, Breezy HR doesn't stop at mere advertisement and design capabilities. It goes beyond automating tedious and time-consuming tasks associated with the recruitment process. From pre-screening candidates to sending personalized emails, scheduling interviews, and gathering valuable feedback from your team members, Breezy simplifies and streamlines every step. By alleviating these responsibilities, the platform enables you to transform exceptional candidates into valuable additions to your workforce, propelling your organization's growth and success.

Other Core Features: 

  • More than 800 HR and recruiting templates
  • Mobile App


It has a free version but the basic plan starts from $157/month.

4. Workable

Next on our list is, Workable. You can fill your pipeline quickly with the one-click job posting to 200+ sites, its AI-powered sourcing finds the best-fit passive candidates every time you post a job. One of its magical tricks includes the workable Chrome extension, which helps you get the full profile of a candidate which you randomly found on LinkedIn or Twitter. It also works with over 70 integrations and partners. Workable also gives you the feature of customizing your career page and featuring your job on your social platforms. 

When you post your job on Workable, its AI uses the Workable People Search technology to analyze your job posting and then searches 400 million candidate profiles to help quickly source the ideal candidate.

Other Core Features 

  • Automated resume parsing
  • Automated onboarding process


It offers a free trial for 15 days and the basic plan starts from $149/month and goes up to $599/month.

 5. Lever

Lever provides an all-inclusive solution that combines a comprehensive applicant tracking system (ATS) with a powerful candidate relationship management (LeverCRM) platform. This integrated software equips you with the ability to communicate with applicants through personalized email correspondence effortlessly, enhancing the candidate experience and streamlining your recruitment processes. Moreover, Lever goes above and beyond by providing comprehensive dashboards with advanced predictive analytics, enabling you and your team to monitor and evaluate your recruitment efforts effortlessly.

Other Core Features: 

  • ATS with loads of useful integrations
  • Personalized email templates
  • Readymade and customizable dashboards


The pricing of Lever is not standardized; instead, it is customized based on the specific package and product chosen by each company.

6. Zoho Recruit 

Zoho Recruit is another tool that promises to tackle all your hiring problems. Its powerful, world-class recruitment software will help you find, evaluate, and communicate with candidates for any role. You can Post your jobs on 75+ job boards with a single click and share the listings instantly to all your social handles. You can keep track of where the candidate is at every hiring stage and optimize your recruitment process with advanced analytics. It gives you an option of creating custom workflows and offer letter templates with built-in e-signatures, so hiring managers can sign off on new recruits and candidates can accept offers faster than ever.

Other Core Features: 

  • 50+ integrations
  • Source boosters
  • Resume management


You can use it for free but with limited options, the standard plan starts from $25.

7. SmartRecruiters 

SmartRecruiters has an innovative and robust cloud-based recruiting software, that promises to increase your team’s productivity and enhance the candidate experience from source to hire. You can give feedback, track scorecards, and interviews, and also provide interview feedback through the mobile app. It eliminates the hassle of working between systems and syncs all candidate emails and messages to one convenient applicant tracking system. You can also gain key insights with end-to-end recruiting analytics and real-time recruiting data dashboards.

Other Core Features 

  • Cloud recruiting software
  • Mobile recruiting
  • Recruitment Marketing


The pricing is not readily available on its website. You can request a demo to get pricing details.

8. Jazz HR 

Jazz HR, is a powerful, user-friendly, and affordable recruiting software that is purpose-built to help growing companies exceed their recruiting goals. You can promote your jobs with custom branding options, making it worthy of all candidates' attention. Using this tool, you can work in an organized way as it creates candidate funnels by segregating the new, active, and hired ones. Hiring managers can now efficiently manage, rank, track, and discuss candidates with all members of the hiring team using Jazz HR.

Other Core Features: 

  • Workflow Building
  • Candidate Evaluations
  • Automated Resume Parsing


Starting from $49/month.

9. JobVite 

JobVite offers a comprehensive recruitment solution known as the Evolve Talent Acquisition Suite, which effectively simplifies the intricate process of candidate hiring. From bolstering employer branding and optimizing recruitment marketing efforts to streamlining applicant management, facilitating seamless onboarding, leveraging employee referrals, promoting internal mobility, and providing advanced analytics, the Evolve Talent Acquisition Suite offers a wide range of capabilities. With this powerful tool at their disposal, organizations can seamlessly navigate the complexities of talent acquisition, enhance their hiring outcomes, and access all the necessary features in one centralized location.

الميزات الأساسية الأخرى:

  • علامة تجارية قوية لصاحب العمل
  • إعداد مُصمم خصيصًا
  • إعداد التقارير المرجعية للصناعة
  • نظام قوي وبديهي لتتبع المتقدمين
  • بث الوظائف


بدءًا من 500 دولار شهريًا

10. بامبو إتش آر

كما يوحي الاسم، يعد Bamboo HR حلاً حائزًا على جوائز لكل ما تحتاج إلى القيام به، من التوظيف إلى التقاعد. إنها تهتم بنمو شركتك من خلال العثور على الأشخاص المناسبين وتحسين تجربة الموظفين، وبالتالي دفع عملك إلى الأمام. بفضل ميزاته البديهية وعمليات الدمج المرنة، يمكنك تبسيط عمليات التوظيف الخاصة بك. إنه متجر شامل لإدارة البيانات، حيث يقدم تقارير فورية معدة مسبقًا، وسير عمل مؤتمت، وتحليلات متعمقة لدعمك والحفاظ على تقدمك.

الميزات الأساسية الأخرى:

  • بيانات الموارد البشرية وإعداد التقارير
  • تتبع PTO
  • تتبع الوقت والجدولة


ليس لها أي سعر ثابت وتختلف حسب عدد الفوائد التي تريدها الشركة.


1. ما الذي يمكنني استخدامه بدلاً من Recruitee؟

إذا كنت تتطلع إلى تبسيط عملية التوظيف والعثور على أفضل المواهب بشكل أكثر كفاءة، ففكر في استكشاف Qureos كبديل قابل للتطبيق لـ Recruitee. بفضل ميزاته القوية وواجهته البديهية، يمكن لـ Qureos إحداث ثورة في جهود التوظيف الخاصة بك ومساعدتك في بناء فريق استثنائي في أي وقت من الأوقات.

2. هل هناك نسخة مجانية من Recruitee؟

نعم، فهي تقدم نسخة تجريبية مجانية لمدة 18 يومًا فقط.

3. كم تبلغ تكلفة التوظيف في الشهر؟

تبدأ الأداة من 239 يورو شهريًا وتصل إلى 419 يورو شهريًا.


Frequently asked questions

Which platform should the user use in terms of pricing?

Which platform, between these two, is easier for job applicants to use?