Spotlight Interview: How Maureen Waithera Led SWVL’s Talent Acquisition in South America

Learn how Maureen Waithera led SWVL’s talent acquisition during their expansion into South America.

Ahsan Raza
Reviewed by:
Sabika Abbas
August 28, 2024
0 min read time
Ahsan Raza
Content Strategy Specialist
Key take aways

When SWVL, a rapidly growing mobility startup, decided to expand into South America, they faced numerous challenges, especially in talent acquisition. 

Maureen Waithera, the Talent Acquisition Lead based in Dubai, was tasked with a mammoth mission: leading the talent acquisition in this new and diverse region.

Interested to learn more about how she navigated the complexities of the South American market and achieved her goals? We sat with her to discuss how she tackled this unique challenge. Let’s take a closer look at her approach. 

Acknowledging You Don’t Know

Maureen’s first major challenge was understanding the new economic and cultural landscape. "I was used to my comfort zone in the UAE, but moving to a new country meant navigating different policies, cultural nuances, and a language barrier. I had to learn about their economies and ways of living to effectively acquire talent," Maureen reflected.

This realization led her to acknowledge that she didn’t know enough about the local economy or the cultural nuances of the new environment.

Humility was her first step toward winning the talent acquisition game in South America.

Building a Support Network

Recognizing her knowledge gaps, Maureen sought out local allies. She aligned herself with the HR admin who was well-versed in the local landscape. 

This support network was invaluable in navigating the new market. "Aligning myself with people who have the knowledge I need was a crucial milestone in my journey," she emphasized.

Immersing and Assimilating into Local Culture

To truly understand and integrate into the new environment, Maureen immersed herself in the local culture. 

She observed how the local HR manager interacted with the team and participated in team activities. "The more you familiarize yourself with them, the more you get to understand them and then you get to speak their language," she explained. This approach helped her bridge cultural and communication gaps.

Adapting Through Unlearning and Relearning

One of the most significant adjustments Maureen had to make was letting go of her previous ways of working. "In Dubai, it seems that you live to work, but here in Buenos Aires, we work to live," a colleague told her. 

This cultural shift required her to unlearn some of her previous practices and adapt to the new environment’s work-life balance. Embracing these changes was essential for her success in the new market.

Maureen’s journey with SWVL is an inspiration for Talent Acquisitions leaders looking to hire in unchartered territories.  

Her insights provide a valuable roadmap for anyone facing similar challenges in talent acquisition and beyond.

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