🧐How to Assess the Results of AI Video Interview

A black and white photo with the words undercover exceptional candidate in 24 hours.

After the candidate has completed the AI Video Interview, it’s time to assess the results. Here’s how you can do it:

  • From the Pipeline tab, click the profile of the candidate and go to the ‘AI Video Interview’ subtab.

Here are the components that will help you assess the results:

  • Dominant Emotion: The top of the result page will display the candidate’s dominant emotion. This will be different for each question.

  • Video Transcript and Video: Review the video and its transcript.

  • Answer Criteria: Check the percentage given to each criteria.

  • AI Feedback: View the pros and cons as assessed by AI.

  • Overall Score: This includes the overall criteria, combining the CV, interview answers, weightage, and personality.
  • CV Matching: Assess how closely the candidate’s answers match their resume.

  • AI Personality: Evaluate based on the personality criteria you set.

  • Individual Breakdown: Get a detailed breakdown of each personality trait.

  • Overall Feeling Chart: A chart summarizing the candidate’s overall demeanor.

  • Overall Feedback: Pros and cons summarized by AI.

Based on these results, you can decide if a second round of interviews is needed.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team.