GCC Laws
Compensation For Occupational Injuries

Compensation For Occupational Injuries

Q. What is the first thing an employer must do when a worker is injured?

Where a worker sustains any work-related injuries and occupational diseases listed in Schedules 1 and 2 attached to this Law, the employer or his representative shall report the matter immediately to the police and the labour department or its local office within whose jurisdiction the place of business is located.

Q. Why is it important to report and investigate a workplace injury?

On completion of the investigation, the police shall send one copy of the report to the labour department and one to the employer. The labor department may request a supplementary inquiry or conduct one if it finds it necessary

Q. As per the UAE labor laws, what is the compensation for an accident at work?

Where a worker sustains a work-related injury or contracts an occupational disease, the employer shall pay for his treatment in a government or private local medical center until he recovers or is proven disabled.

Q. Why is the cash allowance provided in case of injuries, and how is it calculated? 

As per the UAE laws, Where an injury prevents a worker from carrying out his work, the employer shall pay him a cash allowance equal to his full pay throughout treatment or for a period of six months, whichever is shorter.

Q. How is the cash allowance calculated, and what are its criteria?

The cash allowance referred to in the preceding Article shall be calculated based on the last wage received (for monthly, weekly, daily, or hourly paid workers), and based on the average daily wage referred to in Article 57 (for those paid on a piecemeal basis).

Q. What information is included in the attending physician's report, as mentioned in the UAE laws?

On finalization of treatment, the attending physician shall compile a report specifying the nature and cause of the injury, the date of its occurrence, the extent to which it is work-related, the period of treatment, whether it resulted in permanent or other disability, the degree of disability (if any), and more.

Q. What happens if an employee dies due to a workplace injury in UAE?

Where a worker dies due to a work-related injury or an occupational disease, his family members shall be entitled to compensation equal to his basic wage for twenty-four months.

Q. How is compensation calculated for permanent partial disability, as mentioned in the UAE law?

Where a work-related injury or an occupational disease permanently renders a worker partially disabled, he shall be entitled to compensation at the applicable rate specified in the two schedules attached to this Law, multiplied by the applicable death compensation amount provided for in the first paragraph of the preceding Article.

Q. Why is the compensation the same for permanent total disability and death, according to the UAE law?

The amount of compensation payable to a worker in the event of his permanent total disability shall be the same amount as that payable in the event of his death.

Q. Under what conditions does the compensation for workplace injuries get limited for an employee in UAE?

An injured worker shall not be entitled to any compensation for an injury or disability that did not result in his death under certain circumstances, including if he willfully brought about his injury with the intention of committing suicide or obtaining compensation or if he was under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or if he intentionally violated safety instructions or if his injury resulted from gross misconduct.

Q. What are the details regarding the midday summer break rule for outdoor workers under UAE regulations?

As per Ministerial Resolution No. 44 of 2022, outdoor work directly under the sun is prohibited daily between 12:30 PM and 3 PM from June 15th to September 15th. Employers must provide shaded rest areas during breaks. This applies to construction and industrial workers.

Q. What are the requirements for appointing an occupational health and safety officer in UAE?

According to Article 2 of Ministerial Resolution No. 44 of 2022 and Administrative Decision No. 19 of 2023, establishments with 100+ workers in industrial/construction sectors must appoint a technically qualified Health and Safety Officer to prevent hazards, supervise safety provisions, and carry out related tasks.

Q. What are the rules regarding alcohol and drugs in the workplace?

Non-prescription drugs are illegal under the UAE labour law. Plus, it is also possible that some drugs that are prescribed in other countries are banned here before working hours begin. 

All employees are prohibited from consuming alcohol or non-prescriptive drugs at work premises. Violations can result in penalties for both workers and employers.

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