GCC Laws
Employment Contract

Employment Contract

Q: At what age is a person entitled to sign a work contract for an unlimited period in Kuwait?

When a person reaches the age of 15, he or she has the right to sign a work contract for an unlimited period.

Q: What is the maximum duration of a limited-term work contract for individuals under the age of 18 in Kuwait?

Individuals under the age of 18 can have a limited-time work contract for up to one year.

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Q: What information should be included in a work contract in Kuwait?

A formal work contract must specify the following: 

  • Signing date
  • Effective date
  • Wage amount
  • Contract Period (if applicable)
  • Nature of the employment.

Q:  How many copies of the work contract must be prepared, and who should receive them?

As per the Kuwait labor laws, three copies of the work contract must be prepared: one for each party (employer and employee), and the third copy should be sent to the Competent Authority at the Ministry.

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Q:  Can an employer reduce an employee’s wage during the validity of the contract?

No, an employee’s pay cannot be reduced during the contract's validity, whether for a limited or unlimited period.

Q: Can an employer in Kuwait assign an employee to perform work that is not stated in the contract?

No, an employer cannot assign an employee to undertake work that is not in accordance with the nature of the task specified in the contract or that is inconsistent with the qualifications and experiences on which the contract was signed.

Also Read: What is an Employment Agreement?

Q:  What is the minimum and maximum term for a limited period work contract in Kuwait?

The minimum term for a limited-period work contract is one year, and the maximum term is five years.

Q: What happens if a limited-period work contract continues to be implemented after its expiry without an extension?

If a limited-period work contract continues to be implemented after its expiry without an extension, it shall be automatically renewable for similar periods under the same conditions unless the parties agree to renew it under different conditions. The renewal does not affect the worker’s accrued dues arising from the previous contract.

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